Future Manager Italy Insights

Business Management Control: the Solution is Training

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Author: Future Manager Research Center


Management control is a business function that risks being often underestimated and superficially managed within business contexts. In fact, some companies do not yet have a well-structured management control system, nor do they decide to invest adequately in training relating to the economic-financial aspects connected to it.

From the point of view of organizational processes, all companies should be characterized by the need to improve their management control system aimed at knowing and monitoring the real profitability of the individual cost centres.

In this regard, the desire to fill a “training need” arises following the identification of critical issues inherent in your company, which creates the necessary awareness to best accommodate a training offer plan that will be able to support the needs of your company and employees.

If you are looking for a management control course designed specifically for your needs, going to a Business School is often the best choice. Keep in mind, however, that this means entering a world where the offer appears extremely wide and varied, but at the same time you risk running into courses that prove to be a waste of time and resources.

How should a management control course that brings real benefits to a company be?

Without a doubt, what distinguishes a valid management control course from one that is absolutely not is practicality: the strength lies in the training methodologies chosen, especially in the possibility of assisting “on the ground” to cases of a practical nature (perhaps by assigning specific tasks to participants). This enriches the wealth of knowledge of the managers involved.

Secondly, the choice of topics to be addressed is certainly another key point. Alongside the classic issues of management control (equity, economic and financial analysis, budgeting, forecasting, reporting, etc.), there are also arguments specifically necessary for the company in question. The careful choice of these is the result of a comparison and support work between the teachers and the client company, who discuss real objectives and strategies to be implemented.

If the presence of a fully qualified teacher is one of the keys to success, so is the presence of proactive participants who are open to acquire new skills. A training course in management control, like all business training courses, is successful when all the subjects involved feel fully satisfied: not only the participants, but also the company management, the department managers and the teachers themselves. Further proof of the success of a course will be obtained when the participants prove to be able to apply what they have learned in class in complete autonomy.