Future Manager Italy Insights

For Each Problem a Solution: How Not To Wreck the Temporary Management Activity

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Author: Future Manager Research Center

In the previous weeks, the figure of the Temporary Manager was extensively illustrated along with various positive aspects that the adoption of this figure can ensure for a company (including speed, flexibility, operativity, effectiveness and optimization). The survey proposed in this article instead aims to highlight a different and often neglected side of Tempory Management activity.

Discussing the negative aspects or weaknesses of flexible employment would be too misleading rather it would be better to talk about critical issues that always have solutions. These are small criticalities typical of companies that undertake a Temporary Management path and not of TMan itself. Recognizing these obstacles is of paramount importance, as those wishing to benefit from flexible labor policies need to be aware that they will face a number of transitions. Always keep in mind that it is important to remember that the service provided by a TMan is very complex and, therefore, it requires careful analysis and extreme awareness, in order not to lead to harmful and dangerous events to achieve the final result.

One of the main difficulties of a TMan in the realization of a corporate design is the lack of the operational levers that allow him to achieve the pre-established objectives through the recognition of the proxies and powers functional to the realization of the project. In fact, the first criticality is the possible internal resistance of the company towards the time executive hired, due to the difficulty and distrust of the one who is at the top of that company in giving him full powers. It would be a contradictory attitude to say the least of the hypothetical CEO who, having himself requested a professional figure of that type should make the most optimal choice for his company, at least partially renouncing to exercise absolute power. Mutual acceptance and trust are therefore essential.

A second criticality is connected with corporate confidentiality, which consists of the company’s right to keep its sensitive data secret. If the company fears that the Temporary Manager may use private information for their own purposes, it is sufficient to enter into a guarantee contract with the external professional, more specifically, by signing a non-disclosure agreement.

The last possible drawback occurs when the company entrusts projects to TMan, which last longer than expected, forgetting the temporary nature of the executive’s adoption: the latter is not a permanent member of the company structure and, thus by doing so, the company reformulates the strategies and objectives defined upstream to avoid potential cascading consequences on the initial project.

As it has been observed, when a TMan “lands” on a new company ground, he brings with him a baggage that is not only loaded with quality and skills but also with critical issues which, if not taken into consideration and managed, risk wrecking the entire project.